Sunday, May 15, 2011

My view

Before Rylan was mobile, this was the view I saw every morning from my spot at the dining room table as I ate my breakfast...

I loved seeing his little head peeking out at me over his toy basket.  Just precious :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

They are so different!

I've always heard that girls and boys are a lot different and, wow, is it ever true!  I didn't realize just how much until God blessed me with a daughter.  I would compare her with boys her age and think, Yes, boys are very different than girls.  But, I REALLY didn't realize it until God blessed with me a son and I had the comparison right under my own roof!

My daughter is only 4 1/2 years old and my son is only 9 months old, but I can already tell they are so very different!

Taylor was a very easy, very gentle baby.  When she was a newborn, being held and cuddled didn't really appeal to her all that much.  She was so content to just lay in her cradle in front of our living room window or to be in her swing...I think she would've lived in that thing!  When she learned to sit up well, I'd put her in the floor and surround her with toys and she'd play contentedly with or without me by her side.  Once she was able to crawl and "cruise", we had to reprimand her about certain things she couldn't touch, but once we told her, she was usually fine about it and wouldn't constantly try to go after it.  She also had very good high chair manners.  She was so neat.  Didn't try to blow raspberries while she was eating and absolutely never tried to grab the spoon or put her hands in her mouth while I was feeding her.  In fact, if she got any baby food on her,  she would make a disgusted face and hold her chubby little hand out to me for me to wipe.  Ha, ha, oh such a silly little girl.  She's still like that though...she's not one to be dirty or messy, which is so nice!

I wouldn't call Rylan a difficult baby by any means, but, wow, he is just a lot different than Taylor!  He definitely keeps me on my toes a whole lot more than she ever did.  He, as a newborn, needed constant attention, it seemed.  He was ok with the bouncer or the swing, but usually not for more than a few minutes.  His absolute most favorite thing to do was be held and cuddled.  If he wasn't being held, he needed a constant change of scenery or activity.  Once he learned to sit up and play in the floor, he wanted company.  Thankfully, he had a big sister who didn't leave his side much :) .  If he was by himself for too long though, he'd let you know about it.  That's another thing, he's SO passionate.  That kid smiles ALL the time.  He's so happy and smiley, but if something doesn't go his way, he's just as passionate in the other direction.  It was hard to get Taylor to smile as a baby.  We'd basically have to stand on our heads and act crazy to get a smile from her.  She was too busy studying and taking in everything.  She'd just stare at people where Rylan immediately smiles at someone if they even just look in his direction.

Now that Rylan is mobile-and, boy, is he ever mobile! He is everywhere and into everything!-I'm constantly having to check on where he is and what he's getting into.  If I tell him not to touch something, he will look at me, smile and keep reaching for it...such a booger!  He's just SO active!  He's also so rough...we've had to stay on him about being "easy" when he pats us or plays with my hair.  I feel like he's learning and making progress though so that's good.

Taylor never really went through the "terrible two's" or "terrible three's" that so many people talk about.  I mean, don't get me wrong, she's not a perfect kid and I'm definitely an imperfect parent so we've absolutely had our issues, but, all in all, she's very well behaved and agreeable and pretty much always has been.  I'm afraid Rylan might be a little stonger willed than that.  I have a feeling he's going to be my one to throw himself down in the floor with a tantrum...whew, that'll be interesting.  Check back in a year or two (or three!) to see how I'm handling it-HA! ;-D

I'm so blessed in so many ways with my "one of each."  I'm thankful all the time that God has given me this opportunity.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Adoption Fundraiser! Cookout, Concert & Silent Auction

Blog Friends,

The below announcement is for my friends, Chad & Becca.  I wanted to share it on my blog in hopes to further spread the word about their upcoming event that will help them raise money for the adoption of their baby!



!!Adoption Fundraiser!!

Food ~ Music ~ Fellowship
AND Silent Auction

Saturday, May 7, 2011
4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
3145 N. Thompson Ln.

Join us at Lighthouse Baptist Church for dinner, music, & Silent Auction!

(View Auction items at

Food will be available for a donation while you enjoy music by

The Lighthouse Youth Band

The Williamson Family
The Purple Hulls

We are working to raise funds for our adoption while spreading the word about this awesome journey

Everyone is welcome!
Please let us know if you are coming
Text/Call 419-619-1093

Chad & Becca’s Adoption Spirit Night

Date: Thursday, May 5th
5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
With Praise & Worship Music

Join us at Chick-fil-A Murfreesboro for a Spirit Night! Bring your family and friends to enjoy a great meal! When you order, please tell the cashier you are here for your group’s spirit night or print this blog post and bring it in. We will receive 10% of purchases. Help us make this night a success and eat more chicken!

The person who brings the most people & Best Dressed Cow

To my blog friends,

The above is for good friends of mine so I'm trying to help spread the word by posting it to my blog.  Pass it on too if you'd like!

If you'd like to read some of their story, including what has brought them to this place of adoption, please read Becca's blog  They have also designed an adoption blog which lists this event as well as other fundraising events they are doing very soon...check it out

