Friday, June 10, 2011

A little happy for your day :)

Sooooo, I'm failing miserably at regular blog posts!  I'm not one to just sit down and write/type real quick-like.  I need time to think and edit...not something I'm going to do with this post ;0) .  I have several blog posts in mind so hopefully in the weeks to come those posts that are in my mind will actually make it to the blog!  In the mean time, here's a little happy for your day :-D

I truly have the smiliest baby in the world.  Isn't he just SO CUTE???  Man, that adorable smile melts my heart every time!  (Which makes it SO hard to get on to him when he's getting into stuff he shouldn't!)

And here he is being tossed way up in to the air by his Daddy.  He totally LOVES this (Rylan and Daddy-hee hee)

He shuts his eyes real tight every time and just giggles his heart out.  Taylor used to love this too when she was a baby.  We have very similar pics of her.  It's very fortuante that Ma and Papa have high ceilings in their living room!

And here's my big girl with her soccer trophy!  That's right, she just completed her first season of soccer and she has a blast!  (Blog post on that later ;0) )

And here's a family picture at Taylor's soccer awards night.  It's tough to get a good picture of all four of us, but this one turned out pretty cute, I thought!

And a special thanks to Ma for sharing all these pics from her camera.  And a special thanks to my hubby for sharing them with me :) .  Sherry emailed them to Kraig and he reluctantly forwarded them to me with a disclaimer that they were his and I couldn't use them for Facebook.  Since this isn't Facebook, I thought it was acceptable.  (I tagged myself in all of them on Facebook after he posted them ;-D )

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