Until now.
Oh my, Rylan is giving us a run for our money in the food department! Don't get me wrong, he's a huge kid...over 90th percentile in both height and weight according to his 15 month checkup stats...so I'm not concerned that he's not eating enough, but, rather, when it comes to food variety, he has none. And the older he gets, the less variety he accepts.
When he started eating baby food, he liked all varities that I gave him and I thought, Great! Then when we started giving him table food from time to time, he would eat it and seemed to enjoy whatever we offered him. Well, when it came time to actually transition from baby food to table food, we somehow hit a wall.
An increasingly growing wall.
I really thought transitioning from baby food to table food would be easy with Rylan because it was with Taylor. Actually, she pretty much transitioned herself. Around ten months old she started refusing her baby food, but would pretty much eat anything and everything else that we gave her. Rylan, on the other hand...
Not so much.
At first he refused a lot of things, but also accepted a lot of things so I just thought, Okay, he's not going to be one of those "eats anything" kind of people like I am, but, rather, he will have slightly more preferences like his daddy does. And I was ok with that because he was at least trying the foods we offered him.
But now we can hardly get him to do that without him having a huge crying fit :(
I just don't know what I'm going to do with this adorabley frustrating little boy.
While we do make him take a "no thank you" bite, we aren't enforcing that he eat what we're serving as we feel he's a bit too young to understand this. Plus, when he's hungry, he is CRANKY! But...
His party is soon over!!!
We will give him a few more months (he's 17 months now so probably when he's closer to 2 years and is better able to understand reason) then the hammer comes down. There will be no special chicken nuggets cooked or peanut butter sandwiches made. There will be no yogurt cups offered or bananas peeled.
He will either eat what is served to him at meal time or he will wait until the next appointed snack time or meal time to eat.
That sounds so harsh, I know.
But, seriously people, what else should we do???
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